Thursday, August 4, 2016

How I Got Here

Catholicism was the core of my being for the first 20+ years of my life. I did everything Catholic. I volunteered to work at camps in my parish. I earned the Marian (Blessed Mother) Medal. I prayed. I read my Bible. I attended morning Mass before school. I prayed the rosary. I went to confession. I bowed my head at Jesus’ name.
I attended 12 years of parochial school. In high school, I visited chapel. I got actively involved in discussions during religion class. I became disillusioned during my 9th or 10th grade Bible class. I was suddenly being told that the stories were - just stories, and I couldn't accept that revelation. However, I continued to take it all quite seriously. I got involved in weekend retreats and worked at the Church’s summer camp.
In college, I was very active in the Catholic community on campus. I was a charter member of the retreat program. I planned and ran the retreats. During my junior and senior years, I lived in the Catholic Community Center. When I had the opportunity, I spent time in chapel. I attended weekday Mass as often as possible. I was in Mass (for my sick brother), when I got the call that my brother was close to death.

When I graduated, I taught for 6 years in Catholic elementary schools. I taught everything, including Religion. Then around the same time I met my future husband, my 3rd and 4th grade students started asking me the same questions he asked. And my answer, “We believe it because we have faith, “ was unsettling.

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